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Where To Find My Art

All of my paintings and photos can be found in the gallery section of my website. Of course, all are available for purchase as a digital print in a size of your choice. If there is a piece somewhere on the site that you can not find in the gallery, please let me know and I will make sure it is made available for you.



BabyLoves Bath & Beauty 

I have always been a fan of all natural products, and sometimes the best way to find a decent product is to make it yourself. Currently, I make bath bombs, soaps, body scrubs, and more. You can find out more below:

Click Here for my website

Click Here to place an order

Email Me here




Microwork photographer (01/2017-present)

Freelance Worker-various jobs



2010 - present
2010 - present
Links to other work

First off, I figured I would start with my blogs. Like stated in my About Me, I have 3 that I actually run. Underneath each link, is a small description about the blog itself.

Blunts & Thinks

This is a more personal blog, which includes creative writings of mine, as well as interesting facts, news stories, and more. Also, this blog is a great way to keep up with new works in progress, since most of my art is posted on there as well.


Money Management

This blog is pretty much self explanatory, but this blog is all about making money on your own, saving money for the future, and spending money wisely. Along with that, there are a ton of great printouts available to help you get organized and have a game plan.



This is a blog that links to my bath products, so you can view them on there. Also, I have a ton of great articles about natural cures, natural beauty tips, and why big name cosmetics are hurting your skin.



I have written a ton of articles for various sites, and if you would like to see some articles I have written in the past, you can click on the PAST WORK tab under the About section.

Microsoft Office (all programs)

Adobe Photoshop


Research Writing

Fitness Guidance


Website/blog design

Social Networking

Logo Design

E-book Cover Design

Business Card Design

E-book Formatting/ Publishing

Organic Bath Creator


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